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La Leche League of Seattle AM

La Leche League Seattle provides free, peer-to-peer support to breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and pumping parents. Our meetings are a safe space to share all your questions, concerns, and experiences surrounding lactation and feeding your children. Whether you are just starting your lactation journey or are months or years in, we welcome you to attend meetings, share your struggles and triumphs, and build community with fellow parents. We happily invite partners, support people, children, and expectant parents as well!

North Seattle Meetings are held in person in a local chiropractic office in the Wallingford neighborhood. They are indoors in a baby-friendly space with plenty of seating options, a bathroom, and street parking. It is near bus routes 44 and 62. 

When: No Meetings January 2025, will resume February 2025

Where: Beyond Well Chiropractic

1601 N 52nd St, Seattle 98103

(corner of 52nd and Woodlawn Ave N)

South Seattle Meetings are held at Beacon Hill Library in the Study Room

2821 Beacon Ave S, Seattle WA 98144

Ask the librarians at the information desk to point you to the correct room!

It's near the bus routes 36, 50, 60, and 107. These meetings were started in order to allow parents of older children who nap during the afternoon to attend, but everyone is welcome no matter the age of your child!

When: No meetings January 2025, will resume February 2025 

Leader Information

La Leche League Leaders have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help new and expectant parents with all aspects of breast/chest feeding. We offer free one-on-one support as well as hosting our monthly meetings. Please reach out to Andrea with any questions, via phone call, text, or email.

Seattle Leader:
Andrea (she/her)
Phone/text: (609) 798-1033