Common-sense reminder regarding pertussis
The State of Washington always has active cases of pertussis, or whooping cough. In a typical year, Washington has anywhere between 180 to over 1,000 cases of whooping cough. This is of particular importance to families with infants, who are among the most vulnerable to the illness. La Leche League of Washington wants to help keep your babies healthy and safe.
If you think you or a family member is sick, do not attend your LLL meeting until the illness has been treated and there are no symptoms.
Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes a long-lasting and often severe cough. The illness usually starts with mild cold symptoms or cough, which can turn into severe coughing spells followed by gagging, or vomiting and sometimes a “whoop” sound when trying to catch the breath. Young infants, adolescents and adults with whooping cough are less likely to make the “whoop” sound.
Infants with pertussis may eat poorly, turn blue, or stop breathing.
La Leche League of Washington appreciates your attention and consideration for your fellow LLL families in this important matter.
For pressing breastfeeding concerns, please call your local Leader. To find local help, see our groups page.
For more information about the pertussis, go to
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